Lip Potion Aqua Glow

模特兒打開Alternative Stereo 水光保濕唇液 9ml No.1 Lemon Balm準備使用 
        模特兒打開Alternative Stereo 水光保濕唇液 9ml No.1 Lemon Balm準備使用
Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.1 Lemon Balm

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.1 Lemon Balm

Alternative Stereo
R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 92,00 BRL

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.1 Lemon Balm

R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 92,00 BRL
模特兒雙手托起Alternative Stereo 水光保濕唇液 9ml No.2 Fig Candy 
        模特兒雙手托起Alternative Stereo 水光保濕唇液 9ml No.2 Fig Candy
Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.2 Fig Candy

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.2 Fig Candy

Alternative Stereo
R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 92,00 BRL

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.2 Fig Candy

R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 92,00 BRL
Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.3 Sugar Rose 
        Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.3 Sugar Rose
Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.3 Sugar Rose

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.3 Sugar Rose

Alternative Stereo
R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 92,00 BRL

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.3 Sugar Rose

R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 92,00 BRL
Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.4 Apple Drop 
        Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.4 Apple Drop
Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.4 Apple Drop

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.4 Apple Drop

Alternative Stereo
R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 92,00 BRL

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.4 Apple Drop

R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 92,00 BRL
Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.5 Raspberry Soap 
        Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.5 Raspberry Soap
Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.5 Raspberry Soap

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.5 Raspberry Soap

Alternative Stereo
R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 92,00 BRL

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.5 Raspberry Soap

R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 92,00 BRL
Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.6 Grape Sherbet 
        Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.6 Grape Sherbet
Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.6 Grape Sherbet

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.6 Grape Sherbet

Alternative Stereo
R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 92,00 BRL

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Aqua Glow 9ml No.6 Grape Sherbet

R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 92,00 BRL
Alternative Stereo Steaming Milk Lip Potion 9ml 
        Alternative Stereo Steaming Milk Lip Potion 9ml
塗抹Alternative Stereo Steaming Milk 唇液後嘴唇晶瑩剔透

Alternative Stereo Steaming Milk Lip Potion 9ml

Alternative Stereo
R$ 92,00 BRL

Alternative Stereo Steaming Milk Lip Potion 9ml

R$ 92,00 BRL
Alternative Stereo Steaming Milk Balm 潤唇膏 
        Alternative Stereo Steaming Milk Balm 潤唇膏
Alternative Stereo Steaming Milk Balm 潤唇膏質地

Alternative Stereo Steaming Milk Balm

Alternative Stereo
R$ 101,00 BRL

Alternative Stereo Steaming Milk Balm

R$ 101,00 BRL
 Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Ice Rose | 3 colors 
         Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Ice Rose | 3 colors
 Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Ice Rose | 3 colors

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Ice Rose | 3 colors

Alternative Stereo
R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 101,00 BRL

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Ice Rose | 3 colors

R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 101,00 BRL
Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Balmy Rose 唇釉 
        Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Balmy Rose 唇釉
Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Balmy Rose 唇釉頻色流下

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Balmy Rose | 7 colors

Alternative Stereo
R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 101,00 BRL

Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Balmy Rose | 7 colors

R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 101,00 BRL
Alternative Stereo 啞光唇膏 No.1 Masala Chai 連同包裝盒 
        Alternative Stereo 啞光唇膏 No.1 Masala Chai 連同包裝盒
Alternative Stereo 啞光唇膏 No.1 Masala Chai 顏色

Alternative Stereo Acoustic Matt Balm No.1 Masala Chai

Alternative Stereo
R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 110,00 BRL

Alternative Stereo Acoustic Matt Balm No.1 Masala Chai

R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 110,00 BRL
Alternative Stereo 啞光唇膏 No.2 Pink Stereo 連包裝盒 
        Alternative Stereo 啞光唇膏 No.2 Pink Stereo 連包裝盒
Alternative Stereo Matt Balm 啞光唇膏 No.2 Pink Stereo 顏色

Alternative Stereo Acoustic Matt Balm No.2 Pink Stereo

Alternative Stereo
R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 110,00 BRL

Alternative Stereo Acoustic Matt Balm No.2 Pink Stereo

R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 110,00 BRL
Alternative Stereo 啞光唇膏 No.3 Apple Coke 
        Alternative Stereo 啞光唇膏 No.3 Apple Coke
Alternative Stereo 啞光唇膏 No.3 Apple Coke 顏色

Alternative Stereo Acoustic Matt Balm No.3 Apple Coke

Alternative Stereo
R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 110,00 BRL

Alternative Stereo Acoustic Matt Balm No.3 Apple Coke

R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 110,00 BRL
Alternative Stereo 啞光唇膏 No.5 Denim Rose 
        Alternative Stereo 啞光唇膏 No.5 Denim Rose
Alternative Stereo 啞光唇膏 No.5 Denim Rose 顏色

Alternative Stereo Acoustic Matt Balm No.5 Denim Rose

Alternative Stereo
R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 110,00 BRL

Alternative Stereo Acoustic Matt Balm No.5 Denim Rose

R$ 82,00 BRL R$ 110,00 BRL

Inject nostalgia into fashionable products. The cutting line design resembles opening a toy box, and the product packaging is inspired by markers and pens, thus evoking fond memories of childhood.

Add a little fun to the products you buy and use daily to create beautiful little memories in your memory.