¥9,800 JPY
¥11,600 JPY
¥9,800 JPY
¥11,600 JPY
MIHAK VETYVERR 8 香水護手霜 50ml
¥2,200 JPY
¥2,800 JPY
MIHAK OUD NOIR 香水護手霜 50ml
¥2,200 JPY
¥2,800 JPY
BLITHE Pressed Serum Gold Apricot for radiance and brightening 精華 50ml
¥4,200 JPY
¥5,200 JPY
BLITHE Pressed Serum Gold Apricot for radiance and brightening 精華 50ml
¥4,200 JPY
¥5,200 JPY
BLITHE Pressed Serum Tundra Chaga for ultimate nutrition and friming 精華 50ml
¥4,200 JPY
¥5,200 JPY
BLITHE Pressed Serum Tundra Chaga for ultimate nutrition and friming 精華 50ml
¥4,200 JPY
¥5,200 JPY
BLITHE Pressed Serum Velvet Yam for instant and enriched hydrating 精華 50ml
¥4,200 JPY
¥5,000 JPY
BLITHE Pressed Serum Velvet Yam for instant and enriched hydrating 精華 50ml
¥4,200 JPY
¥5,000 JPY
BLITHE Pressed Serum Crystal Iceplant for calming and hydrating 精華 50ml
¥3,900 JPY
¥4,800 JPY
BLITHE Pressed Serum Crystal Iceplant for calming and hydrating 精華 50ml
¥3,900 JPY
¥4,800 JPY
BLITHE Vital Treatment 6 Calming Leaves for pore refining and redness relief 精華 150ml
¥3,500 JPY
¥4,400 JPY
BLITHE Vital Treatment 6 Calming Leaves for pore refining and redness relief 精華 150ml
¥3,500 JPY
¥4,400 JPY
BLITHE Vital Treatment 5 Energy Roots For Vitalizing and Hyderating 精華 150ml
¥3,500 JPY
¥4,400 JPY
BLITHE Vital Treatment 5 Energy Roots For Vitalizing and Hyderating 精華 150ml
¥3,500 JPY
¥4,400 JPY
BLITHE Vital Treatment 8 Nourishing Beans For Vitalizing and Lifting 精華 150ml
¥3,700 JPY
¥5,000 JPY
BLITHE Vital Treatment 8 Nourishing Beans For Vitalizing and Lifting 精華 150ml
¥3,700 JPY
¥5,000 JPY
BLITHE Vital Treatment 9 Essential Seeds for vitalizing and brightening 精華 150ml
¥3,700 JPY
¥4,800 JPY
BLITHE Vital Treatment 9 Essential Seeds for vitalizing and brightening 精華 150ml
¥3,700 JPY
¥4,800 JPY
BLITHE Patting Splash Mask Energy Citrus and Honey for brightening and radiance 洗臉面膜 150ml
¥2,400 JPY
¥3,500 JPY
BLITHE Patting Splash Mask Energy Citrus and Honey for brightening and radiance 洗臉面膜 150ml
¥2,400 JPY
¥3,500 JPY
BLITHE Patting Splash Mask Soothing and Healing Green Tea for oil controlling and pore clarifying 洗臉面膜 150ml
¥2,400 JPY
¥3,500 JPY
BLITHE Patting Splash Mask Soothing and Healing Green Tea for oil controlling and pore clarifying 洗臉面膜 150ml
¥2,400 JPY
¥3,500 JPY
BLITHE Patting Splash Mask Rejuvenating Purple Berry for elasticity and firming 洗臉面膜 150ml
¥2,400 JPY
¥3,500 JPY
BLITHE Patting Splash Mask Rejuvenating Purple Berry for elasticity and firming 洗臉面膜 150ml
¥2,400 JPY
¥3,500 JPY
BLITHE Pressed Eye Cream Caffeine 0.1 for dark circle and depuff 眼霜 20ml
¥2,800 JPY
¥3,500 JPY
BLITHE Pressed Eye Cream Caffeine 0.1 for dark circle and depuff 眼霜 20ml
¥2,800 JPY
¥3,500 JPY
BLITHE Targeted Blemish Serum Niacinamide 5.0 controls uneven skin tone and pores 精華 30ml
¥2,600 JPY
¥3,300 JPY
BLITHE Targeted Blemish Serum Niacinamide 5.0 controls uneven skin tone and pores 精華 30ml
¥2,600 JPY
¥3,300 JPY
BLITHE Anti-Polluaging Pore Cleansing Foam BHA 0.5 for exfoliating and purifying 潔面乳 150ml
¥2,400 JPY
¥2,800 JPY
BLITHE Anti-Polluaging Pore Cleansing Foam BHA 0.5 for exfoliating and purifying 潔面乳 150ml
¥2,400 JPY
¥2,800 JPY
BLITHE Bubbling Splash Mask Indian Glacial Mud 面膜 120ml
¥2,200 JPY
¥3,100 JPY
BLITHE Honest Sunscreen For Ph Balance and Mild Protection 防曬乳 50ml
¥2,400 JPY
¥3,500 JPY
BLITHE Airy Sunscreen For Tone Correction & Ultraweight 防曬乳 50ml
¥2,400 JPY
¥3,500 JPY
BLITHE Inbetween Makeup Prep Essence For Make-Up Ready Essence 妝前精華 30ml
¥2,800 JPY
¥3,900 JPY
BLITHE Inbetween Makeup Prep Essence For Make-Up Ready Essence 妝前精華 30ml
¥2,800 JPY
¥3,900 JPY
BLITHE Inbetween Aurora Second Skin Primer and Setting Mist For Make-Up-Ready Skin 妝前乳和定妝噴霧 82ml
¥3,300 JPY
¥4,400 JPY
BLITHE Inbetween Aurora Second Skin Primer and Setting Mist For Make-Up-Ready Skin 妝前乳和定妝噴霧 82ml
¥3,300 JPY
¥4,400 JPY
UNOVE 深度修護洗髪乳 500g | 深度修護受損髪質
¥3,500 JPY
¥4,200 JPY
UNOVE 免沖洗水潤捲翹頭髪精華 147ml | 打造保濕柔嫩和具捲曲固定力的濃密波浪捲髪
¥2,800 JPY
¥3,300 JPY
UNOVE 免沖洗絲柔頭髪精華油 70ml | 針對受損髮質打造絲柔秀髪
¥3,300 JPY
¥4,000 JPY
UNOVE 深度損傷頭髪修護素EX 40ml #Tender Bloom | 對極度受損頭髪進行營養補充使頭髪柔軟順滑
¥1,600 JPY
¥1,800 JPY
Dr.FORHAIR 頭皮清潔按摩刷 | 用舒適和有效的方法清潔和按摩頭皮每一角落
¥2,400 JPY
Dr.FORHAIR Folligen 去頭皮屑洗髪乳 300ml | 去頭皮屑及緩解脫髪
¥3,100 JPY
¥3,500 JPY
Dr.FORHAIR Folligen Silk 護髪素 300ml | 高營養水潤安瓶修護受損頭髪
¥2,800 JPY
¥3,500 JPY
Dr.FORHAIR Phyto Fresh 洗髪乳 300ML | 94%來自天然植物成份並針對油性頭皮
¥3,500 JPY
Dr.FORHAIR Phyto Fresh 皮脂控制頭髪頭皮噴霧 100ml | 保持頭皮乾爽抑制皮脂的護髪用品
¥2,200 JPY
¥3,100 JPY
Dr.FORHAIR Phyto Fresh 頭髪頭皮深層清潔液 200ml | 水型深層清潔去油去污
¥3,700 JPY
¥4,200 JPY
Dr.FORHAIR Folligen Bio-3 洗髪乳 500ml | 強化頭皮並一次解決脫髮問題和燙染後持久能力
¥4,800 JPY
Dr.FORHAIR Folligen 海鹽去角質洗髪乳 300ml | 以色列死海鹽去除老舊角質
¥3,500 JPY
¥4,200 JPY
treecell Day Collagen Shampoo Morning of Resort 洗髪乳 360ml | 緩解脫髪及受損頭髪同時護理並適合日間使用
¥2,200 JPY
¥2,800 JPY
treecell Day Collagen Shampoo Morning of Resort 洗髪乳 360ml | 緩解脫髪及受損頭髪同時護理並適合日間使用
¥2,200 JPY
¥2,800 JPY
treecell Day Collagen Shampoo Morning of Resort 洗髪乳 520ml | 緩解脫髪及受損頭髪同時護理並適合日間使用
¥2,800 JPY
¥3,700 JPY
treecell Day Collagen Shampoo Morning of Resort 洗髪乳 520ml | 緩解脫髪及受損頭髪同時護理並適合日間使用
¥2,800 JPY
¥3,700 JPY
treecell Night Collagen Shampoo Midnight Forest 洗髪乳 360ml | 深層清潔並具有緩解脫髪功效適合夜間使用
¥2,200 JPY
¥2,800 JPY
treecell Night Collagen Shampoo Midnight Forest 洗髪乳 360ml | 深層清潔並具有緩解脫髪功效適合夜間使用
¥2,200 JPY
¥2,800 JPY
treecell Night Collagen Shampoo Midnight Forest 洗髪乳 520ml | 深層清潔並具有緩解脫髪功效適合夜間使用
¥2,800 JPY
¥3,700 JPY
treecell Night Collagen Shampoo Midnight Forest 洗髪乳 520ml | 深層清潔並具有緩解脫髪功效適合夜間使用
¥2,800 JPY
¥3,700 JPY
treecell Day Collagen Shampoo Morning of Resort 洗髪乳 50ml | 緩解脫髪及受損頭髪同時護理並適合日間使用
¥1,500 JPY
treecell Day Collagen Shampoo Morning of Resort 洗髪乳 50ml | 緩解脫髪及受損頭髪同時護理並適合日間使用
¥1,500 JPY
treecell Night Collagen Shampoo Midnight Forest 洗髪乳 50ml | 深層清潔並具有緩解脫髪功效適合夜間使用
¥1,500 JPY
treecell Night Collagen Shampoo Midnight Forest 洗髪乳 50ml | 深層清潔並具有緩解脫髪功效適合夜間使用
¥1,500 JPY
treecell Forte Ampoule Treatment 安瓿護髪素 200ml | 針對極度受損頭髪安瓿護髪素
¥3,100 JPY
treecell Carotene Cooling Scaler 頭皮清潔磨砂膏 200ml | 胡蘿蔔温和去頭皮死皮細胞清潔頭皮
¥3,500 JPY
¥3,500 JPY
treecell Collagen Boost Scalp Pack 頭皮髪膜 200ml | 維生素C加速膠原蛋白生成並提供深層營養
¥2,400 JPY
¥3,100 JPY
treecell Collagen Boost Scalp Pack 頭皮髪膜 200ml | 維生素C加速膠原蛋白生成並提供深層營養
¥2,400 JPY
¥3,100 JPY
treecell Night Perfector Scalp Serum 頭皮精華液 100ml | 頭皮護養防脫髮護理並具有頭皮冷卻效果
¥3,500 JPY
¥4,400 JPY
treecell Night Perfector Scalp Serum 頭皮精華液 100ml | 頭皮護養防脫髮護理並具有頭皮冷卻效果
¥3,500 JPY
¥4,400 JPY
treecell Recovery Oil Essence 頭髪精華油 100ml | 每日護理受損頭髪打造絲柔髪質
¥2,200 JPY
¥2,800 JPY
treecell Body Spread Cream 身體乳 200ml
¥2,400 JPY
¥3,100 JPY
treecell Body Smoothie Scrub 身體磨砂膏 200ml
¥2,600 JPY
¥3,500 JPY
treecell Childhood Sunshine Body Wash 沐浴乳 300ml
¥2,800 JPY
¥2,800 JPY
treecell Slow Afterglow Body Wash 沐浴乳 300ml
¥2,800 JPY
¥2,800 JPY
treecell Delight Eleven Body Wash 沐浴乳 300ml
¥2,800 JPY
¥2,800 JPY
Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Ice Rose 唇釉 | 3款顏色
¥2,000 JPY
¥2,400 JPY
Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Balmy Rose 唇釉 9ml | 7款顏色
Alternative Stereo
¥2,000 JPY
¥2,400 JPY
Alternative Stereo Lip Potion Balmy Rose 唇釉 9ml | 7款顏色
¥2,000 JPY
¥2,400 JPY
Alternative Stereo Steaming Milk Balm 潤唇膏
¥2,400 JPY